Food & Drink

Jamie Oliver’s feta filo turnover recipe

Jamie Oliver’s feta filo turnover recipe (David Loftus/PA)
Jamie Oliver’s feta filo turnover recipe (David Loftus/PA)

“When I was a teenager visiting Cyprus on holiday, I was wowed by the recipes that would cook feta rather than just serve it in salads raw,” Jamie Oliver writes.

“For me, this is so incredibly simple, satisfying and impressive.”

Feta filo turnovers with fresh marjoram, runny honey and pistachio sprinkle


(Serves 4)

Total time: 20 minutes

4 sheets of filo pastry

200g feta cheese

½ a bunch of marjoram (10g)

25g shelled unsalted pistachios

Runny honey, to serve

(David Loftus/PA)


1. Lay a sheet of filo on a damp tea towel and brush lightly with olive oil.

2. Crumble a quarter of the feta across one side of the pastry, leaving a three-centimetre gap around the edges, and pick over a quarter of the marjoram leaves.

3. Carefully fold over the filo, press the edges to seal, then fold in half again, pressing down gently to secure. Brush lightly with olive oil.

4. Place a large non-stick frying pan on a medium heat with a splash of olive oil, add the filo parcel and cook for two minutes on each side, or until golden and crisp, then transfer to a serving plate.

5. Meanwhile, bash or roughly chop the pistachios. Drizzle the parcel with honey and scatter over a quarter of the pistachios. Repeat with the rest of the ingredients, serving each parcel as soon as it’s ready.

Energy 269 kcal

Fat 15.6g

Sat fat 9.1g

Protein 11.4g

Carbs 22g

Sugars 9.2g

Salt 1.1g

Fibre 1.1g


5 Ingredients Mediterranean by Jamie Oliver is published by Penguin Michael Joseph © Jamie Oliver Enterprises Limited (2023 5 Ingredients Mediterranean). Recipe photography: © David Loftus, 2023. Available now.