
Further Ukraine support from Church of Ireland appeal

Alisa (5) sits in the bedroom of a Warsaw apartment that Habitat for Humanity Poland helped secure as part of a partnership with the city to house refugees from Ukraine. When fleeing central Ukraine, Alisa's mother Marina said she could fill one backpack with whatever she wanted. She chose her favourite stuffed animals. Picture from Habitat for Humanity
Alisa (5) sits in the bedroom of a Warsaw apartment that Habitat for Humanity Poland helped secure as part of a partnership with the city to house refugees from Ukraine. When fleeing central Ukraine, Alisa's mother Marina said she could fill one backpack with whatever she wanted. She chose her favourite stuffed animals. Picture from Habitat for Humanity

DONATIONS "continue to pour in" for a Church of Ireland appeal to support humanitarian aid for Ukraine.

The Bishops' Appeal for World Aid and Development has released €50,000 and £43,300 to two partner charities - Christian Aid and Habitat for Humanity - and anticipates releasing more funds after Easter.

Bishop Ferran Glenfield, Bishop of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh and chair of the Bishops' Appeal Advisory Committee, said "Irish people north and south are known for being big hearted".

"The plight of the Ukrainian people has touched many hearts, which is reflected in the generous response to the Ukraine Appeal across the Church of Ireland," he said.

Christian Aid and Habitat for Humanity are focusing their help on people who have been displaced within Ukraine and who have become refugees in Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland.

They are providing both temporary shelters and longer-term accommodation, food, money and vouchers, help with travel, medical supplies and more specific needs as they arise.

So far, 10 million people have fled their homes - 3.5 million fleeing to other countries and a further 6.5 million displaced in Ukraine itself. This makes up nearly one quarter of the country's population.

More information on the response to the crisis in Ukraine can be found on the Church of Ireland YouTube channel and; from Habitat for Humanity; and from Christian Aid's partners in the ACT Alliance.

Hungarian Interchurch Aid's help point in the village of Barabás in eastern Hungary provides snacks, drinks and toiletries to Ukrainian refugees. The small village of 700 people has come together to help refugees with local organisations and volunteers working together to get refugees across the border and to provide the support they need. Picture from Finn Church Aid/ACT Alliance.
Hungarian Interchurch Aid's help point in the village of Barabás in eastern Hungary provides snacks, drinks and toiletries to Ukrainian refugees. The small village of 700 people has come together to help refugees with local organisations and volunteers working together to get refugees across the border and to provide the support they need. Picture from Finn Church Aid/ACT Alliance.
Hungarian Interchurch Aid distributes drinking water and other supplies to people in Lviv, western Ukraine. Picture from Finn Church Aid/ACT Alliance.
Hungarian Interchurch Aid distributes drinking water and other supplies to people in Lviv, western Ukraine. Picture from Finn Church Aid/ACT Alliance.