
Brian Feeney v Alex Kane: Are the DUP to blame for crippling power-sharing?

Columnists Brian Feeney and Alex Kane are today debating who is to blame for the failure of power-sharing at Stormont.

Alex says it's the fault of both the DUP and Sinn Féin while Brian argues that the total fault for our power-sharing predicament lies with the DUP.

Alex says: "The entire purpose of St Andrews was to cripple power-sharing. For how could power-sharing work when the basis for it became, in 2006/07, a carve-up between two parties who only wanted to bolster their own bases by creating distance rather than building bridges?"

Brian says: "SF acted to promote equality for all. The DUP acts to block equality for nationalists"

Read Alex's column here

Read Brian's column here

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