
Health tips: A quick guide on how to create a happier and healthier home

Healthy home, healthy life! By Luke Rix-Standing

Let there be light – natural light is inherently invigorating and reinforces the circadian rhythms that impact our mood and sleep cycles
Let there be light – natural light is inherently invigorating and reinforces the circadian rhythms that impact our mood and sleep cycles

IN THE great pantheon of wellness trends, the home is strangely neglected. There are diet crazes and fitness hacks aplenty – but outside the occasional tidying fad, the home is merely a vessel, a framework in which other lifestyle regimes take centre stage.

Given that we often spend more time at home than anywhere else, this might be a little unfair. Wellness, like most things, begins at home, after all. Here's how to make sure that's a good thing...

:: House plants

You don't need actual woodland for forest bathing, not when there are snake plants, peace lilies and aloe veras to turn your home into a mini-greenhouse. Study after study has shown that exposure to greenery reduces stress, helps lower blood pressure and stimulates the senses.

:: Maximise natural light

Like plants, natural light is inherently invigorating and reinforces the circadian rhythms that impact our mood and sleep cycles. Aside from the obvious (open your curtains), make sure there's no furniture blocking your windows' line of sight, use off-white or cream colour schemes to cultivate a lighter feel, and put up strategically placed mirrors to send light bouncing round the room.

:: Declutter

Your home is supposed to be where you recharge, and if you're never able to find things, pressured by a pile of unopened mail, or in fear of accidentally standing on your laptop, it may be a source of stress in itself. Time to put your 'floor-drobe' back into the wardrobe – and we don't mean by just shoving it all under the bed.

:: Address your sleep

Poor sleep pas been linked with everything from low mood and fatigue, to shortened life expectancy, so creating a conducive sleep environment is an essential step for a healthy home. Make sure summer nights aren't cut short by leaky curtains (invest in blackout linings if required), use ear plugs to cut out street noise, and dust the area around your bed. If you always sleep better in hotels, there may be a problem with your bedding, and low-quality mattresses can cause stiffness and back pain as well as disturbed sleep. It's easy to undervalue sleep but the more priority you give to time spent in slumber, the more productive and energised you'll be during the day.

:: Invest in an air purifier

Once derided as noisy and unsightly, demand for purifiers is now rising steadily year on year and modern models are sleek, stylish and near-silent. Exhaust fumes, chimney smoke and particulate emissions are just another part of urban life, and purifiers are here to help.

:: Create a designated work space

Some 1.54 million Brits now work from home in their primary occupation (millions more do so intermittently), and it's wise to resist the temptation to work at the kitchen table in your pyjamas. It's hard to maintain a work-life balance when they operate in the same space, so dedicate a work area that allows you to 'go to work' in the morning and leave at the end of the day. Posture is paramount, so invest in an ergonomic chair as a minimum. You might even consider the benefits of a standing desk.

:: Get a pet

You don't need an 'emotional support animal' to get emotional support from an animal, and this is another lifestyle choice with the weight of science behind it. Among a whole raft of benefits, pets have been shown to increase life expectancy, substantially slash stress, and even decrease physical pain.