
Marie Louise McConville: Shortage of chocolate is not an option - so get Brexit sorted

Leave campaigners never told us Brexit could bring a chocolate crisis
Leave campaigners never told us Brexit could bring a chocolate crisis

Stay calm.

There's no need to panic - just yet.

Try not to freak-out, it would appear Cadbury have it all in hand.

With the possibility that the UK could be on course to crash out of the EU, it turns out we didn't really didn't think through this whole Brexit business.

Yes, there's issues such as hard borders and soft borders and trade concerns and then there's tourism worries and rumours of medical supply shortages but there's one huge point we did not consider - the chance we might run out of chocolate.

Now, chill, be cool.

These rumblings have come about because famous chocolate firm Cadbury has revealed it is stockpiling chocolate and biscuits.

(Thank goodness for that....slow breaths).

The firm has said a no-deal on Brexit could cause shortages of products like Dairy Milk and Picnic bars.

I mean, I don't even want to think about a life without chocolate, I would be lost, chocolate is the food of life.

We depend on it and need it and want it and love it - something needs to be done.

After all, what we do without chocolate if we experience a break-up, or fall in love for the first time?

What would be snack on or share at the cinema?

What would Christmas or Easter be like without chocolate?

How else would we give ourselves a little pick-me-up when we're feeling a bit low and it's only Monday?

Dear goodness above, this is a code red, full-on, emergency.

There's a chance we could be doomed.

Hubert Weber, the European boss of Mondelez, which owns Cadbury, has revealed the situation has arisen because the UK is "not self-sufficient in terms of food ingredients" and therefore, stores of chocolates and biscuits were being built up as part of contingency plans.

"...we are also preparing for a hard Brexit and, from a buffering perspective for Mondelez, we are stocking higher levels of ingredients and finished products, although you can only do so much because of the shelf life of our products".

Oh dear.

You see, these are things `Leavers' should have been told before they voted. A disruption to the chocolate supply was never once mentioned and certainly was not included in any Brexit material I saw.

To those involved, I have this message - get this sorted and remember, a failure to negotiate is absolutely not an option now.

A lack of chocolate would make me very angry and Mrs May, you wouldn't like me when I get angry ....


There were wonderful scenes at The Emmys in Los Angeles this week.

Not only did household favourite Henry Winkler win his first ever Emmy at the age of 72 for Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series for his role in Barry but the legendary actor was reunited with old pal, Ron Howard.

As a massive Happy Days fan, it was great to see the two stars, who played Arthur `Fonzi' Fonzarelli and Richie Cunningham in the popular sitcom, pose together for a really sweet photo entitled `Pals at the Emmys'.

Great fun.

Well done Henry.



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The winners of the Jar of Hearts competition are Gabrielle Daly, from Armagh, Jennifer Hillier, from Armagh, Pauline McVeigh, from Belfast, Sonia Haddad, from Newry, and Isobel Robinson, from Craigavon.