
Watch this: Red Dwarf XII

The crew of Red Dwarf are back for another six misadventures on Dave
The crew of Red Dwarf are back for another six misadventures on Dave

'THE boys from the Dwarf' (waggle your hands) are back again as the hit sci-fi sitcom returns to Dave for another six servings of entertainingly juvenile space-set shenanigans.

As ever, Red Dwarf crewmen Lister (Craig Charles), Rimmer (Chris Barrie), Kryten (Robert Llewellyn) and Cat (Danny John-Jules) find themselves caught up in a whole mess of entertainingly farcical situations – one of which involves the return of Norman Lovett as the blighted mining ship's original computer, Holly.

In the first episode, Cured, the hapless foursome visit a long forgotten space station where a cure for evil has apparently been developed, which naturally leads to notoriously crap guitarist Lister sharing a soft rock 'jam' with reformed dictator turned budding axeman Adolf Hitler.

Other eps feature the non-mechanical crew members getting a taste of Kryten's subservient existence courtesy of the Mechanoid Intergalactic Liberation Front (Siliconia), the arrival of an ancient spaceship where criticism has been outlawed (Timewave), Kryten and Rimmer competing in a presidential election while the ever-fashionable Cat copes with the fact that a pair of glasses may need to become part of his 'look' (Mechocracy) and a potentially deadly update of Red Dwarf's software causing havoc while Rimmer sets out on a quest to find a parallel universe where he isn't such a massive smeghead (M-Corp).

As with series XI, viewers with UKTV Play can access each episode a week prior to its transmission – just tune into Dave and hit the red (Dwarf) button to view, or go online at

Red Dwarf, Thursdays at 9pm on Dave.