
New health drink aims to redress imbalance in our bodies

Balance is key in all areas of life and when it comes to digestion, equilibrium between the acid and the alkaline in what we eat will dictate how pH levels affect our overall wellbeing, writes Roisin Armstrong

Arthritis is the outcome of eating the wrong kinds of food and a wrong lifestyle, according to Swiss phytotherapist and nutritionist Alfred Vogel
Arthritis is the outcome of eating the wrong kinds of food and a wrong lifestyle, according to Swiss phytotherapist and nutritionist Alfred Vogel

ACHIEVING balance is pivotal in creating and maintaining health, and your acid alkaline balance is key. In order to help achieve the perfect pH, A.Vogel has created a new product, appropriately called 'Balance Drink' which can be taken daily to help maintain acid-alkaline balance, while also providing you with a non-animal source of vitamin D, zinc and magnesium citrate.

Maintaining a normal acid-alkaline balance is thought to help protect against the development of arthritic conditions, as well as supporting the proper absorption and management of calcium in osteoporosis, and is believed to be beneficial in cases of fibromyalgia.

For those of us in good health and wishing to remain that way, a regular detox is sensible, and maintaining a normal acid-alkaline balance supports this process.

Balance Mineral Drink contains:

:: Zinc that contributes to a normal acid-alkaline balance.

:: Vitamin D and calcium contribute to the maintenance of normal bones – 50-70 per cent of all Europeans suffer from low vitamin D levels.

:: Magnesium helps with the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

For optimum health, the pH of your bloodstream should be around 7.4. Factors that contribute to over-acidity include eating unhealthy food, having heavy meals late at night, stress, lack of sleep, and environmental pollutants. Signs of excess acidity include:

:: Constipation and bloating

:: Lack of energy and focus

:: Weight problems

:: Poor complexion and dry, dull, lifeless skin

:: Sweating unduly

:: Gum disease, tooth decay and bad breath

:: Frequent colds and flu

:: Muscle and joint pain

When the bloodstream is overly acidic, calcium can be pulled from the bones to rebalance in favour of alkalinity. This will impact on the health of bones, so maintaining a normal pH is a useful part of a strategy for keeping bones strong.

Calcium is absorbed well in the absence of magnesium (which is present in Balance Drink as a citrate) and vitamin D (which is present in the form of vegan D3). Poorly absorbed calcium can be dumped in and around joints, triggering or worsening arthritic processes. Keeping calcium in the right places is easier with a normal pH.

Alfred Vogel said: “Arthritis is definitely a disease of civilisation, the outcome of eating the wrong kinds of food and a wrong lifestyle. A disturbance of the mineral metabolism makes it mandatory that we change from a diet that produces too much acid to one yielding an alkaline surplus.”

Good health requires toxins to be removed from the body through the bowel, urinary tract, sweat glands and lungs. Any sluggishness along these routes, or dietary and lifestyle factors that overload them, will make it harder to maintain a normal, healthy pH.

Good foods to consider to re-alkalise your system include:

:: Vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, spinach, kale, salad leaves, potatoes, sweet potatoes, bean sprouts, beetroot, cucumber

:: Fruits (must be ripe): bananas, watermelon, papaya, mango

:: Dried fruit: figs, prunes, apricots

:: Grains: amaranth, quinoa, rye, buckwheat

:: Herbs: basil, rosemary, thyme

:: Nuts and seeds: almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, sunflower, sesame and pumpkin seeds

:: Virgin oils: flaxseed, olive, pumpkin seed, hemp seed.

You can drink one glass of Balance Drink daily – there are no restrictions on long-term use – but it is not suitable for children under 16. It is free from lactose and gluten and is suitable for vegetarians

Another major consideration in reducing acidity is whether you have sufficient water during the day. Your kidneys help keep your blood from becoming too acidic; drinking water can also keep you from feeling fatigued due to dehydration.

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:: Roisin Armstrong is a kinesiologist, acupuncturist and EFT practitioner. For appointments in Belfast and Holywood call 0777 0862 637 and Portglenone 028 2582 1333.