
‘I love Lord of the Flies and chill out by doing DIY’ - Miss Northern Ireland Kaitlyn Clarke

Gail Bell asks experts and people in the public eye what keeps them going. This week: Current Miss Northern Ireland, Kaitlyn Clarke, who says working with the NI Hospice has changed her views on life

Current Miss Northern Ireland, Kaitlyn Clarke
Miss Northern Ireland, Kaitlyn Clarke, loves Lord of the Flies and chills out by doing DIY
1. Up and at it - what is your morning routine?

I love my sleep, so I like to wake up slowly. Usually, I need a 15-minute buffer alarm to waken me and then I’ll get out of bed on alarm number two. I like an extra hot shower with my morning playlist or podcast on to get me going.

2. What might you eat in a typical working day for...

Breakfast? On weekdays, something quick like fruit and yogurt or overnight oats. At weekends it might be home-made pancakes, waffles or anything with bacon on top.

Lunch? I tend to snack little but often, but when I do grab a full lunch, it’d be something pretty basic like soup or a sandwich.

Evening meal? Pasta - I love experimenting with sauces and trying new recipes.

3. Is nutrition important to you – do you take health supplements?

I currently don’t take any supplements, but I do try to get what I need from my diet. I am a plain eater, though, so I think I could be more adventurous with flavours.

Current Miss Northern Ireland, Kaitlyn Clarke
Miss Northern Ireland Kaitlyn Clarke volunteers as an ambassador for the NI Hospice
4. Ever been on a diet – if so, how did it go?

Not so much a diet - and I’ve never tried to purposely lose or gain weight - but I’ve tried to eat healthier at times, purely for the energy and mental benefits.

5. Weekend treat?

I’m a big fan of home baking, so usually something chocolatey.

6. How do you keep physically and mentally fit?

I like being outside - living in the countryside means there are so many lovely walks near my home. This helps mentally and physically, but if I want to stay indoors, a bath, some vinyl and a cosy hot chocolate will give me a mental reset.

7. Best tip for everyday fitness?

Step tracking on your phone or a fitness watch can be a great way of making you more aware of how and when you can be more active - even at work or home. It’s turned in to a bit of a game in our house to see who has the most daily steps.

Current Miss Northern Ireland, Kaitlyn Clarke
Miss Northern Ireland, Kaitlyn Clarke
8. Were you a fan of schools sports/PE or do you have a memory from those days that you would rather forget?

I was that pupil that always had a note (real or fake – sorry, Mum...) to get me out of PE. I just hated being forced into sports I didn’t like and more than once I mitched off to head to the school music department instead.

9. Teetotal or tipple?

I feel like I am a ‘special occasion’ drinker and it’s only ever one or two. Gin is my go-to. I’m not a wine drinker.

10. Stairs or lift?

Stairs for the ‘everyday’, lift if I am at an event - there is usually a mirror inside to do last minute ‘no-lipstick on teeth’ check before entering a room.

11. What book are you currently reading?

I’ve just finished Me by Elton John and it was fabulous but my all-time favourite novel is Lord of the Flies by William Golding, purely because it takes me back to when I was at school and only cared about English literature and music.

12. Best Netflix/streaming TV?

My overall favourite series will always be the Benedict Cumberbatch Sherlock but, more recently, I am loving the new series of Trigger Point.

13. Any new skills or hobbies?

Does doing full glam make-up in the car count? I feel like since being crowned I have gotten so much better at life ‘on the go’. I’ve massively improved my ability to feel more comfortable going to events where I know nobody and speaking confidently. This would have made me quite anxious before taking part in the Miss NI competition.

I’ve massively improved my ability to feel more comfortable going to events where I know nobody and speaking confidently
Kaitlyn Clarke says she has "massively improved" her public speaking ability
14. How do you relax?

I love going to the theatre or cinema. I also love a bit of home DIY which, oddly enough, chills me out.

15. What would you tell your younger self?

Not to worry about the future so much. I’m an over-thinker and could still take this advice now.

16. What are your goals for 2024?

I would ideally love to achieve a permanent hybrid of part-time teaching and freelance creative social media management work. That’s what we are working towards long-term, but in general, just to feel content and build on my public speaking and hosting skills for the remainder of my year as Miss NI.

17. What time do you get to bed and do you think you get enough sleep?

Usually around 10.30pm or 11 o’clock and most nights I get a full eight to nine hours. I do find I function pretty well on four-to-six hours from all the years of being a night owl when I was younger. This has proved handy for late night events followed by early morning photoshoots.

18. Biggest gripe or regret?

I wish I had taken a gap year between my undergrad and postgrad degrees. I think I’d have loved a season of island hopping or working abroad.

19. Have your priorities in life or perspectives changed?

My main priorities have always been family orientated and that still stands. I think you get your perspectives widened when you work with different cultures and conditions in society. Travelling on aid trips to Romania with The Eileen Moreland Foundation and working with the NI Hospice have massively impacted my views on life and highlighted the importance of giving time to others.

Travelling on aid trips to Romania with The Eileen Moreland Foundation massively impacted my views on life, says Kaitlyn Clarke
Travelling on aid trips to Romania with The Eileen Moreland Foundation massively impacted her views on life, says Kaitlyn Clarke
20. Has coronavirus – or any health epiphany or life event - changed your attitude towards your own mortality?

I think there’s a lot to be said about moving slowly and quietly in personal areas of life and lockdown definitely reassured me of what was important at the end of the day - the people and energy you keep around you. This has made me more assertive in declining things that are not the best fit for me.

Kaitlyn Clarke is currently representing Northern Ireland in the 71st Miss World 2024 contest, taking place in Mumbai and New Delhi in India