
Cyber security expert named new chief executive of The Software Alliance

David Crozier is the new chief executive of The Software Alliance.
David Crozier is the new chief executive of The Software Alliance.

ONE of the north’s foremost experts in cyber security and tech policy has been named chief executive of the new umbrella body set up to speak for the local software industry.

David Crozier has been confirmed as the first permanent boss of The Software Alliance.

The body was founded last year by some of Northern Ireland’s biggest tech firms as a vehicle to lobby on government strategy and policy development.

Founding firms include Allstate NI, Kainos, Liberty IT, Civica NI, GCD Technologies and Instil Software.

The Alliance launched its search for a chief executive back in March.

David Crozier announced on Monday that he will take on the new role.

It comes just two weeks after he stepped down from his senior post with Queen’s University, where he had acted as head of strategic partnerships and engagement at the Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT).

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  • New umbrella group formed for Northern Ireland's £1.7bn software industry
  • North's new tech industry body launches search for chief executive
  • Sense of security: Belfast playing a pivotal part in UK's cyber journey

Mr Crozier spent just over 11 years working for Queen’s University.

He is also a co-founder of biometric authentication and visual speech recognition tech firm Liopa, and previously worked for the Northern Ireland Office as a policy advisor.

Announcing his new role on Monday, the new Software Alliance chief executive said: ‘I’m really looking forward to working with the board and members to develop and grow the software industry here, and to ensure that there is a really strong pipeline of talent to support that growth, and that this region is known globally as one that consistently produces high quality digital solutions.’