
Belfast City Council's planning committee defers decision on £40m biogas plant

The site for Energia's proposed biogas plant at Giant's Park, next to Belfast Harbour's film studios.
The site for Energia's proposed biogas plant at Giant's Park, next to Belfast Harbour's film studios.

BELFAST City Council’s planning committee has again deferred a decision on a £40 million biogas plant at Giant’s Park.

Officials have recommended approval for Energia’s proposed anaerobic digestion facility at Belfast Lough, next to Belfast Harbour’s film studios.

Harbour commissioners and a private company have expressed concern over the plan.

On Tuesday the committee again opted defer the application to facilitate a pre-determination hearing.

In a statement, the council said: “The purpose of the pre-determination hearing is to give opportunity for the applicant and interested parties who have provided written representations on the application to appear before and be heard by the planning committee.

“The application will then be returned to the planning committee at a later date for a decision.”