
Lisburn firm Pure Roast in joint venture to supply coffee shops in China

Martin Symington of Pure Roast Coffee signs the joint venture agreement with William Wong of China Resources
Martin Symington of Pure Roast Coffee signs the joint venture agreement with William Wong of China Resources

THE first in a planned network of high-end coffee shops in China in which the beans are supplied by Pure Roast Coffee in Lisburn has just opened in a major shopping mall in Shanghai, with a second shop planned for Hangzhou within the next few months.

The Pure Coffee branded coffee shops are the outcome of a business partnership between Pure Roast Coffee and Beijing-based China Resources, a Fortune 500 company and one of China’s biggest business groups. The state-owned enterprise has 5,000 stores throughout China and Hong Kong.

The business relationship has recently been extended by the Chinese company taking an equity holding in Pure Roast coffee and the formation of an equity joint venture to develop the coffee business across China.

As well as supplying premium quality coffee beans, Pure Roast Coffee is providing beans and ground coffee for purchase in the shops.

Established as one off the UK’s premier coffee roasters by Martin Symington, managing director, Pure Roast Coffee has flourished in partnership with some of the UK’s largest coffee operators and online retailers. Added to this are the accolades and awards, including 14 Great Taste Awards.

Present at the official opening of the first Pure Roast Coffee cafe in Shanghai were William Wong of the 87-year-old China trading business, and Mr Symington.

As well as supplying premium quality coffee beans, Pure Roast Coffee - which employs 10 people in Lisburn and a further 10 in an associated company in England - is providing beans and ground coffee for purchase in the shops.

Mr Symington said: “The new coffee shop in the store is a hugely impressive and an immensely exciting development for us. It’s a tremendous showcase of our premium coffee in China, now the world’s most dynamic marketplace, a market with a rapidly developing ‘coffee culture’.

“Another high point for us, was the recent supply for use in Prime Minister Theresa May’s recent trade visit to Shanghai. All the attendees, including government officials and business leaders, were treated to our high end coffee at the breakfast meeting."

Pure Roast Coffee, which has a roasting plant at Lissue Industrial Estate, is supplying premium coffee and also providing advice in the development of the coffee shops being established in the network of Ole supermarkets owned by China Resources. Ole supermarkets specialise in the sale of western products including food.