
Anaeko wins cloud innovation contract in US

Anaeko chief executive Denis Murphy with Alison Gowdy from Invest NI
Anaeko chief executive Denis Murphy with Alison Gowdy from Invest NI

SOFTWARE firm Anaeko has won a multi-million pound contract to develop and integrate leading edge cloud services for a major cloud provider in the United States.

The company, which has been around for a decade and has previously benefitted from private equity funding.

Last year Invest NI supported Anaeko in creating 15 jobs at in base in Belfast's Weaver's Court, and the agency has again stepped in to provide in-market support to help with introductions and client meetings which led to securing the US contract.

Anaeko's chairman and chief executive Denis Murphy said: “We've won this contract in the US on the basis of our innovation, quality and highly skilled workforce.

“When we made the jobs announcement late last year, our strategy was to focus on the fastest growing cloud technologies. This strategy has enabled us to fight off stiff competition and secure this three year contract which is helping us to grow a truly world class team in the hybrid cloud integration space.

“Invest NI assisted us with valuable in-market expertise through its US-based offices and has facilitated introductions and meetings to help us secure, what is now, our biggest contract to date. We are looking forward to developing our reputation in the global hybrid cloud integration market and accelerating our growth in the coming years.”

Invest NI’s director of trade Alison Gowdy added: “Anaeko has secured a major contract to supply its cloud development and test services to one of the world’s largest cloud providers.

"This significant boost for the company is a direct result of introductions made by our in-market team in the US, and further meetings which took place during our NI Tech Mission to the West Coast, USA in 2016.

“Anaeko is an ambitious company which has invested considerable time and effort into nurturing relationships in the US to further its growth.

"Our partnership approach with the company is clearly reaping significant dividends and I look forward to watching Anaeko’s future growth as it capitalises on further opportunities in this exciting market.”