
Unlocking vinyl treasure at Tyrone record fair

A wide range of rare and vintage vinyl records can be found at Stewart's Music Shop Record Fair
A wide range of rare and vintage vinyl records can be found at Stewart's Music Shop Record Fair

Vinyl lovers, young and old, are in for a musical treat as Stewart’s Music Shop in Dungannon, one of the oldest independent music stores in Ireland, opens its doors for its first record fair.

Featuring thousands of titles from rare and vintage records to the latest releases on vinyl, the fair will bring together traders, collectors and music enthusiasts from across Ireland and further afield.  

Knowledgeable record dealers will be setting up stalls on Saturday October 7, bringing their diverse collections with them; everything from rock and pop, country and jazz to hidden gems from local artists. 

Raymond Stewart has been selling vinyl at his Dungannon music store for the past 48 years
Raymond Stewart has been selling vinyl at his Dungannon music store for the past 48 years

Owner Raymond Stewart is delighted by the current revival of vinyl and welcomes seasoned collectors and the next generation of vinyl lovers to the event.

Read more:

Taylor Swift set to have biggest vinyl sales

 “When our shop opened in 1975, my brothers and I sold almost every person in this town their first single. In the years since, how and when people listen to their favorite artists has changed many times and we’ve loved being a part of the scene through it all.

“In recent years it’s been amazing to experience the vinyl revival – if you’d asked me 10 years ago, I never would have dreamt we’d be back selling records, but it’s come full circle and now, vinyl is one of our most popular products.

“This Record Fair is about celebrating that vinyl revival – bringing everyone together under one roof for the love of music and appreciation for the unique sound only vinyl can provide.”

Stewart’s Music Shop Record Fair takes place Upstairs in the Basement, 9a Irish Street, Dungannon on Saturday October 7 10 – 4. Admission free.