
Special event: Lost In London Live

Woody Harrelson is shooting a movie this morning in London which will broadcast live to cinemas across the US
Woody Harrelson is shooting a movie this morning in London which will broadcast live to cinemas across the US

NOW here's something you don't see every day – or indeed, ever: a movie that's being shot entirely live and streamed directly into cinemas.

The man crazy enough to take on such an unprecedented film-making task is none other than Woody Harrelson, who is directing and starring in Lost In London Live's loosely autobiographical account of that time in 2002 when he smashed up a London taxi and was chased by police before being arrested and charged with criminal damage.

Inspired by the excellent one-take German film Victoria and co-starring Owen Wilson, Willie Nelson and our own Martin McCann, Lost In London Live is set to stream in the early hours of this morning to over 500 cinemas across the US and just one screen on this side of the pond, the Picturehouse in London's west end.

Of course, Londoners could always just cut out the middle-man altogether and go right to the locations where Woody and co will be shooting (two full rehearsals were carried out earlier this week, so the word is out), with the added bonus that they might actually end up in the film itself as background extras.

Hopefully, the rest of us will have the opportunity to view Lost In London at some point in the future – in the meantime, stay tuned to Twitter this morning to discover how Woody's latest wild night on the town panned out.