
Early music ensemble Sestina perform French Baroque concert at Clonard Monastery

Sestina are an early music ensemble made up of both professionals and aspiring young musicians
Sestina are an early music ensemble made up of both professionals and aspiring young musicians

BELFAST-based early music ensemble Sestina will deliver what's promised to be a sumptuous programme of French Baroque music from the court of the Sun King on April 26 at Clonard Monastery. The performance is part of a tour which will also see Sestina perform in Dublin (Christ Church Cathedral, April 27) and Cork (Saints Peter and Paul's Church, April 28).

Music For The Sun King explores rarely performed music from the court of Louis XIV, including works by Jean Baptiste Lully and Marin Marais. It is a unique opportunity for audiences to experience a lesser-known repertoire, often overlooked because of its complexities.

Sestina Musical Director Mark Chambers,will lead 16 vocalists in a range of solo and ensemble singing, and a 10-member instrumental ensemble, playing period instruments.

:: Tickets (£20, students £10) from https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/music-for-the-sun-king-tickets-53545805947#tickets.