
Sibling revivalry

Three Sisters is at the Lyric now
Three Sisters is at the Lyric now

ACCLAIMED playwright and novelist (The Meeting Point, When They Were Missed) Lucy Caldwell has followed in the steps of Brian Friel and taken on one of the greatest Russian dramatists, Anton Chekhov.

Three Sisters, written in 1900 at the start of the modern era, deals with the shifts in Mother Russia and the relationships of the three women who are desperate to return to Moscow.

Caldwell has re-set the drama in her home city of Belfast circa the 1990s, with perceptive results.

On Saturday October 22 at 2pm, Waterstones in Belfast will host Lucy Caldwell in conversation with fellow writer Paul McVeigh about her adaptation of the famous tragi-comedy (free entry and refreshments).

:: Three Sisters runs at the Lyric Theatre until November 12, Lyrictheatre.com.