
Gig of the week: Kid Congo Powers and The Pink Monkey Birds, tonight at Voodoo

Kid Congo Powers and The Pink Monkey Birds play Voodoo tonight
Kid Congo Powers and The Pink Monkey Birds play Voodoo tonight

FORMER Cramp, Bad Seed and Gun Clubber Kid Congo Powers and his current band The Pink Monkey Birds bring their garage rock ‘n’ roll ruckus to Voodoo tonight.

The LA-based band recently released their latest LP for the esteemed In The Red Label, La Arana Es La Vida, a platter packed with an abundance of loud and groovy calls to arms.

Consider the fine glam stomp of attention-getting opener Psychic Future, rockabilly rave-up Karate Monkey and the just as memorably titled heavy surf instrumental Nine Mile Blubber Pile, the fabulously distorted grunge pop paean Anything To Say and Magic Machine’s maximum R’n’B chant: any and all would make the ideal soundtrack to your counter-cultural activity of choice.

Elsewhere, Escapetism is a woozy doozy, Chicano Studies has twang and bang to spare, the title track’s hallucinogenic, spider-themed and Spanish flavoured tale offers an aural nightmare you can dance to and the mesmerising three chord bop of We Love You will, in all probability, provoke pandemonium on any dancefloor it’s performed to.

Find out tonight, or don’t – after all, an evening of concussive musical joy in one of Belfast’s best small rooms is not for everyone.

n Tickets £13.75 from Wegottickets.com or £14 on the door.