
Unlimited subs set to come in for Derry club leagues

UNLIMITED subs are in line become a feature of adult club league games in Derry this year, The Irish News understands.

In what is understood to be the first move its kind at adult level in any county, plans have been laid to allow clubs to run their bench throughout the leagues.

The idea was seen in this year's McKenna Cup, where there were different views on its success.

Among those against it was Derry boss Rory Gallagher, who labelled it "slightly ridiculous".

That was in pre-season inter-county competition but Derry are planning to implement it for the club leagues for all ages from U13 up to and including senior.

Referees were informed of the change in a meeting earlier this week.

Clubs have not yet been formally notified of the plans to change, The Irish News understands.

The clubs in Derry last year railed against the uncompetitive nature of the league structures that had been in place, primarily over the lack of promotion and relegation.

Derry GAA was moving towards sorting all promotion and relegation through its championships.

Up until recent years, Derry was one of very few counties whose promotion and relegation in football was based entirely on league position.

But under pressure from the clubs, they have moved to a mixed system for 2023 which involves separate promotion and relegation structures in both league and championship.