Tony Blair
Blair and Brown pay tribute to ‘working class hero’ at funeral of John Prescott
Senior figures from past and current Labour governments gathered at Hull Minster to remember the former deputy prime minister.
Ministers urged to use Post-it notes to avoid Freedom of Information
Newly-released government files show officials warned ministers to keep a grip on their departments as the FoI Act was finally implemented.
Geldof urged Blair to take international lead on aid for Africa
Newly released government files show the LiveAid campaigner was ‘scathing’ about ‘weak’ African leadership.
Berlusconi acted like ‘jilted lover’ after being shut out by EU ‘big three’
Newly released files show the Italian prime minister accused Tony Blair of ‘betrayal’ after being excluded from a summit with France and Germany.
George Bush believed he was on a ‘mission from God’ in Iraq
Newly released files show a senior US official confided in a UK envoy that American tactics were ‘politically crass’.
Blair opened UK borders to east European migrants despite misgivings
Newly-released files show John Prescott and Jack Straw raised concerns about granting open access to UK jobs market.
King and PM honour former US president Jimmy Carter after his death aged 100
Mr Carter, a former peanut farmer, served one term in the White House and spent his post-presidency years as a global humanitarian.
Citizenship ceremony plan had potential to ‘damage community relations in NI’
Tony Blair’s Labour government introduced the ceremonies for those seeking UK citizenship, with the first ceremonies taking place in 2004.
Irish Government doubted UK campaign to ‘save David’ Trimble
The Irish Government wanted to appeal to the UK side against ‘manipulating’ every scenario for favourable election results in Northern Ireland.
Trimble told by Blair to ‘get lost’ over timing of border poll, records show
The records from the National Archives in Dublin show that the SDLP and the Irish government were heavily against the idea.