Better use of existing drugs increases cervical cancer survival, study suggests
Researchers assessed whether a short course of induction chemotherapy before chemoradiation could reduce rates of relapse and death.
Scientists hope radiotherapy breakthroughs will transform cancer treatment
Researchers have been working to improve a treatment called proton beam radiotherapy.
Grandad diagnosed with breast cancer after discovering lump in chest urges men to ‘swallow pride pill’ and seek help
Mike Burrows was diagnosed with breast cancer at 68 after discovering a lump – and he is glad he ‘had the common sense to do something about it’.
Radiotherapy optional for older breast cancer patients, study suggests
The treatment was also found to not affect the risk of secondary tumours.
The swivelling chair that reduces side effects of radiotherapy
AS groundbreaking innovations in cancer treatment go, it may not sound very high-tech, but a chair that allows patients to sit upright during radiotherapy could transform care for thousands.
Tiny glass beads to stop radiotherapy side-effect
TINY glass beads placed inside the body could reduce the side-effects that cancer patients experience from radiotherapy.
UK to lead next-generation radiotherapy research
Cancer Research UK has announced a new £56 million network called Cancer Research UK RadNet.
Targeted radiotherapy ‘could cut prostate cancer treatment time to two weeks’
Scientists say the technique could safely deliver curative treatment for some patients, and significantly reduce the time from the standard.
Breakthrough trial for prostate cancer patients leads to massive reduction in radiotherapy treatment
A RADICAL new radiotherapy trial for men with prostate cancer in Northern Ireland has found the number of visits for treatment could be massively cut, it has emerged.
New £50m cross-border cancer centre to open this month
A NEW £50 million cross-border cancer centre is set to open in Derry later this month.