
There's a new extension that will fact check Donald Trump's tweets

Donald Trump has tweeted his belief that climate change is a myth 
Donald Trump has tweeted his belief that climate change is a myth 

EVER read a Donald J Trump tweet and thought “surely, that can’t be true”? Well now you can check its legitimacy with a new extension.

The Washington Post has announced the new bit of kit for both Chrome and Firefox which can offer readers some much needed context and call-outs on what the US president-elect types.

(David Cheskin/PA)

On Monday, they wrote on their site: “We made a tool that slips a bit more context into Trump’s tweets.

“It’s still in the early stages, but our goal is to provide additional context where needed for Trump’s tweets moving forward (and a few golden oldies).”

We downloaded the extension to see what happened, and look! Turns out not everything he says is golden!

(Laura Dennison/PA)

The fact checker will either deem the tweet incorrect, note when there is important context missing, or will give a ‘just so you know’ fact.

The extension will work on anything Trump has posted from November 29 onwards.

The Washington Post added: “It takes a little while for the extension to update, so we’ll try to stay up to speed on fact-checking what Trump is tweeting, but it may take a few minutes. This is a work in progress, so don’t hesitate to offer feedback and thoughts.”

Imagine if this was around pre-election?

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