Star chamber of Tory lawyers says Sunak’s Rwanda Bill needs significant changes

Rishi Sunak’s plans to revive the stalled Rwanda asylum scheme do not go far enough, a panel of lawyers convened by a campaign group of Tory MPs has said (PA)
Rishi Sunak’s plans to revive the stalled Rwanda asylum scheme do not go far enough, a panel of lawyers convened by a campaign group of Tory MPs has said (PA)

Rishi Sunak’s plans to revive the stalled Rwanda asylum scheme do not go far enough, a panel of lawyers convened by a campaign group of Tory MPs has said.

In a blow to the Prime Minister, the so-called “star chamber” of lawyers said the emergency legislation, which MPs will vote on in Parliament on Tuesday, “provides a partial and incomplete solution” to the problem of asylum seekers using the courts to avoid being put on a plane to the African nation.

The lawyers, led by veteran Tory MP Sir Bill Cash, said “very significant amendments” to the legislation are needed.

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“The Prime Minister may well be right when he claims that this is the ‘toughest piece of migration legislation ever put forward by a UK Government’, but we do not believe that it goes far enough to deliver the policy as intended,” they said in a summary of their opinion.

In a rare move intended to win over critics, the Government will produce a summary of its own legal advice in support of the scheme on Monday.