
Martin rejects EU commissioner speculation with vow to lead party into election

Ireland’s next general election must take place by March 2025 (PA)
Ireland’s next general election must take place by March 2025 (PA)

Micheal Martin has insisted he will be leading Fianna Fail into the next general election.

The Tanaiste was responding to the suggestion he may seek to become Ireland’s next EU commissioner when the position becomes vacant in mid-2024.

The current commissioner is Fine Gael politician Mairead McGuinness.

Ireland’s next general election must take place by March 2025.

Fine Gael Ard Fheis
Mairead McGuinness, European commissioner for financial stability, financial services and the capital markets union (PA)

Speculation around Mr Martin’s future has also seen him linked to a potential tilt at the presidency of Ireland.

Mr Martin reaffirmed his pledge to lead Fianna Fail into the general election as he faced media questions on a visit to Belfast on Wednesday.

“I’ve been asked about different positions and so on – I’m leading the party into the next general election,” he said.

Mr Martin also reiterated his view that the Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and Greens coalition should serve a full term.

“I’ll be running and leading Fianna Fail into the next general election and that is my objective,” he said.

“We analyse these things – in terms of our parliamentary party, the TDs are strong in their constituencies. 

“We have the local elections next year, we’re preparing for those, we’ve had I think 40% of conventions held already, and we have a strong pipeline of new younger candidates, more women coming forward, in addition to the very strong county councillors and city councillors that we have, and that will give us a good base for the general election when it happens.

“I think we should go full term in this Government. I intend to lead the party full term and into the next election.”