
Jedward and Jim Corr clash in online spat over anti-lockdown protest

A still from a video posted by Jim Corr on Saturday.
A still from a video posted by Jim Corr on Saturday.

SINGING siblings Jedward and Corrs guitarist Jim Corr have engaged in a public spat over an anti-lockdown protest in Dublin.

The social media exchange began after Mr Corr posted a video on Twitter, praising the number of people who turned out on Saturday.

Gardaí said they made four arrests after hundreds of people attended the demonstration near the Custom House in the city centre.

The protest was organised by ‘Health Freedom Ireland’ and the Yellow Vests Ireland groups.

Some of the figures involved in organising the event also have ties to anti-vaccine campaigns.

Speakers denounced the wearing the face masks and Covid-19 restrictions, describing them unconstitutional and unnecessary.

Images showed participants standing close together without masks.

Gardaí said one arrest involved an alleged breach of the peace, two were for public order offences and a fourth was for possession of an offensive weapon.

Twins John and Edward Grimes, who share the same account on Twitter, took to the social media platform to label those who attended the protest as “selfish low lives”.

They then turned their attention to Jim Corr, who had posted a video from the demonstration.

Jedward described his behaviour as “idiotic”, prompting the Corrs musician to retort: “Shut up you fools and grow a brain between you."

Jedward tweeted: "Why don't you just go and 'Runaway' and FYI your sisters never needed you please leave the band."

Mr Corr responded by describing the pair as “Ireland’s Milli Vanili”.