
Kieran Doherty: Painting of hunger striker hung in Dáil

A painting of hunger striker Kieran Doherty was unveiled in the Dáil. Picture from Sinn Féin
A painting of hunger striker Kieran Doherty was unveiled in the Dáil. Picture from Sinn Féin

A portrait of IRA hunger striker Kieran Doherty was unveiled in the Dáil last night.

The painting, by mural artist Danny Devenny, was hung in a conference room used by Sinn Féin. The room was previously used by Labour TDs.

Senior Sinn Féin figures including party leader Gerry Adams attended last night's unveiling.

Doherty, from Andersonstown in west Belfast, was elected to the Dáil for Cavan-Monaghan shortly before his death in 1981. He was a TD for just two months before his death at the age of 25 following 73 days on hunger strike.