
Have your say: What does the Legacy Bill offer?

Members of the Time for Truth committee gathered outside the Northern Ireland Office headquarters in the city centre on November 23 2022 for the Stand Against Britain’s Bill of Shame rally. Picture by Hugh Russell
Members of the Time for Truth committee gathered outside the Northern Ireland Office headquarters in the city centre on November 23 2022 for the Stand Against Britain’s Bill of Shame rally. Picture by Hugh Russell

The Legacy Bill is going through its parliamentary stages and had its second reading in the House of Lords last week.

It is a contentious piece of legislation which is almost universally opposed by parties across the political divide as well as all victims groups in the north.

The bill offers a conditional amnesty to those accused of killings and other Troubles-related crimes if they cooperate with the Independent Commission for Reconciliation and Information Recovery (ICRIR). It would also prohibit future civil cases and inquests related to Troubles crimes. Politicians, veterans' groups and victims' groups have all had their say and now we want to hear your thoughts on the Legacy Bill and what it offers Northern Ireland.

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