Northern Ireland

Young doctor Sean McMahon was looking forward to future together with love of his life

Mourners carry the coffin of Dr Sean McMahon following requiem mass in St Patricks Church, Cullyhanna, Co Armagh. Picture Mark Marlow
Mourners carry the coffin of Dr Sean McMahon following requiem mass in St Patricks Church, Cullyhanna, Co Armagh. Picture Mark Marlow

Sean McMahon would be looking forward to a life together with the love of his life, planning to moving in to their unfinished new home near his parents in south Armagh, mourners at his funeral on Sunday heard.

The young doctor instead was being buried in the graveyard beside St Patrick's Church in Cullyhanna, two days after he was due to marry Debbie Jameson at the Lough Erne Resort in her native Fermanagh.

Dr McMahon (31),  died last Tuesday after collapsing in the South Lake Centre's Health and Wellbeing Suite in Craigavon, a place where he "loved" to be, Canon Michael Toner told mourners.

Family and friends of Sean Mc|Mahon outside St Patricks Church, Cullyhanna, Co Armagh. Picture Mark Marlow
Family and friends of Sean Mc|Mahon outside St Patricks Church, Cullyhanna, Co Armagh. Picture Mark Marlow

One of seven siblings born to Charles and Frances McMahon, Dr McMahon was training as an  anaesthetist and working at Craigavon Area Hospital.

Sean excelled as a doctor, with one consultant in Enniskillen describing him as one of the best first year juniors they had worked with, cousin Barry Quinn told the congregation.

Read more: Young doctor who died after collapsing at leisure centre was due to marry on Friday

Dr Quinn, who worked with him in Enniskillen's South West Area Hospital, said he was contacted by other medical professionals who praised his character and ability to stay calm under pressure. "He really was that good," Dr Quinn said.

Sean earned top A-Level grades at Abbey Grammar in Newry before gaining a place at Queen's University to study medicine. It was where he found Debbie, Barry said.

Dr Sean McMahon
Dr Sean McMahon

"Sean and Debbie were together for nine years. They met at a very romantic place in Belfast. It was a chip shop.

"Debbie walked into the chip shop in the dead of the night and who was holding audience at the front, other than Sean holding up the queue, no doubt giving somebody a bit of bad manners.

"Typical of Sean, centre of stage and then in came Debbie who was well able to put him back in his box. No doubt she did not take of his shenanigans for the nine years that followed."

There are "so many people here from different backgrounds, there are so many people who knew Sean because there were so many parts...(he) touched so many lives," Barry added.

Dr McMahon was buried in the cemetery beside St Patricks Church in Cullyhanna. Picture Mark Marlow
Dr McMahon was buried in the cemetery beside St Patricks Church in Cullyhanna. Picture Mark Marlow

"Sean did not really care what walk of life you came from. He treated everyone the same, always with a warm smile and a familiar friendliness and a cheeky grin."

Prior to the service, Debbie, family and friends laid before the alter items summing up parts of Sean's life, his hospital scrubs, a golf club cover, a Cullyhanna GAC shirt  and other items revealing his love of travel, reading and his ambitious nature.

Canon Michael said there was much to be thankful for as mourners remembered "a hard working, faithful son, quietly devoted to his parents, siblings, nephews and nieces".

It was a "life well lived at home and the medical world...a fiance head over heels in love with Debbie....a son and a brother who lived a decent and good life and who worked diligently in his chosen profession".

As Holy Communion was being prepared, Canon Michael welcomed people in the congregation of other faiths to come forward for a blessing.

In some final words, Sean's cousin Barry touched on what this weekend should have been, a wedding celebration.

"It was to be a celebration of their love for each other. Today without doubt most definitely nursing a hangover and looking forward to his new life as a happily married couple," he said.
