Northern Ireland

Concerns raised over prison papers and visits

Concerns have been raised over the supply of newspapers and visits at Maghaberry Prison
Concerns have been raised over the supply of newspapers and visits at Maghaberry Prison

Concerns have been raised after a support group for republican inmates at Maghaberry Prison claimed newspapers can no longer be bought and that authorities plan to scrap weekend visits.

The Irish Republican Prisoners Belfast Association (IRPWA) said prisoners have been told that daily newspapers are no longer available in the prison.

When asked about the supply of newspapers last week, a spokesman for the Prison Service said: "The supplier who previously provided newspapers for Maghaberry has advised that it is no longer financially viable to do so. 

"NIPS will continue to look for alternative options in this respect."

However,  IRPWA has produced what it said was a response from prison authorities to a republican inmate who requested access to a newspaper.

The response said that "at this time the shop will not facilitate newspapers any more and no other shop is being sought".

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In a new statement issued on Friday, the Prison Service said: "Maghaberry Prison are actively seeking an alternative supplier for prisoner newspapers after the current supplier has withdrawn the facility."

IRPWA spokesman Paddy Gallagher also claimed that the prison has signalled its intention to halt weekend visits.

He said this will cause hardship for the children of republican prisoners and other family members, especially when schools return next month.

Mr Gallagher said "seven families have been denied visits in one weekend".

"This number will continue to rise once school resumes," he added.

"This will result in family members having to take time off work and children missing valuable school time to visit their loved ones."

A spokesman for the Prison Service said: "The Northern Ireland Prison Service has no current plans to change the days when visits are offered."