Northern Ireland

Beacon replaces larger bonfire pyre in loyalist Shankill ahead of Eleventh night celebrations

Shankill Terrace 11th Night Beacon.
Shankill Terrace 11th Night Beacon.

ELEVENTH night beacons have started to appear around Belfast in place of larger bonfire pyres, including in the loyalist Shankill area.

A total of 11 groups in the city have applied for the scheme, which aims to encourage a family-friendly atmosphere while using material that is less harmful to the environment.

Costing a minimum of £81,103, funding was raised through an underspend in the council’s bonfire diversionary fund as well as £15,000 from the Stormont Executive Office.

Running for 15 years, the scheme is only open to constituted community and voluntary groups in Northern Ireland.

A notable addition to the applicants this year was the Action for Community Transformation group, to replace a traditional pyre at Shankill Terrace and California Close.

While the Shankill is considered to be one of the main heartlands of loyalism, DUP councillor Ian McLaughlin said he did not believe it was the first time beacons had been used in the area.

Read more

  • 11 Belfast groups to receive 11th Night beacons under council scheme
  • What are eleventh night bonfires?
  • Heat resistant sheets wrapped around motorway signage near Belfast bonfire

“I think a lot of people are intent on celebrating their history and culture, and I suppose there are different views on how you do that,” he said.

“Anything that keeps the family atmosphere going and helps the environment, it surely has to be welcomed.”

Asked if there was a notable difference in the atmosphere at beacon events, he said: “I think the enjoyment levels at beacons are much the same, I certainly hope they are anyway.”

Brown Square 11th Night Beacon.
Brown Square 11th Night Beacon.

The other locations for the Belfast beacons are: the Haig Street/Lord Street Junction, the Clara Street/Ravensdale Street junction, Grove Street East/Channing Street, the Highspring Avenue green area off Black Mountain Grove, White City, and the hard ground area at the Ainsworth Avenue end of Ceylon Street, Ballysillan Park facing Wheatfield Drive, Brown Square in the middle of the road at the bottom of Melbourne Street, on the mound in the green space across from Trassey Close in Cregagh Estate, 2 Auburn Place Dunmurry.

Ballysillan Park 11th Night Beacon.
Ballysillan Park 11th Night Beacon.