Northern Ireland

Planning permission refused for housing development on Rostrevor seafront

Plans for a major housing development in Rostrevor have been rejected.
Plans for a major housing development in Rostrevor have been rejected.

Planning permission has been refused for a major housing development along the Rostrevor coastline.

The proposal had been to build a 45-unit residential development along the Shore Road of the Co Down village.

Currently occupied by a car sales and garage buildings, the site is in a dramatic setting between the shores of Carlingford Lough and the sweeping forest of Rostrevor Oakwood.

The plans from the Richland Group developers were rejected on Wednesday at a meeting of Newry, Mourne and Down District Council’s Planning Committee.

The Richland Group have now said they will push ahead with earlier plans to build a nursing home and 41 apartments.
The Richland Group have now said they will push ahead with earlier plans to build a nursing home and 41 apartments.

A letter from the council’s planning department had said the development would “result in unacceptable damage to the local character, environmental quality and residential amenity in the area,” adding that the site is “located within an area of natural beauty, which has a rural appearance dominated by green areas and woodland”.

The Richland Group said it will now revert to a previous application, which had originally been sold as establishing a nursing home, 41 apartments and a boost for construction jobs.

A spokesperson said: “Whilst we are disappointed that the council has decided to refuse our application for the Georgian Village, we respect their decision.

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“We are now very happy to have clarity regarding this stunning and unique site and are excited to develop the approved planning permission of 41 x apartments and hopefully find and work with a nursing home provider to deliver the nursing home element.

“We will make sure the development is of the highest possible standard and adds value to Rostrevor and the surrounding areas”.

Opposing the application was Colum Sands, from the RARE (Rostrevor Action Respecting the Environment) campaign group.

The Richland Group have now said they will push ahead with earlier plans to build a nursing home and 41 apartments.
The Richland Group have now said they will push ahead with earlier plans to build a nursing home and 41 apartments.

Speaking to The Irish News, he said it was still far from certain that the developers would be able to push through their alternative plans that had been approved in 2017.

Mr Sands said he did not believe replacing the existing garage buildings was enough to approve a development.

“I think the garage argument is a bit of a red herring. You can’t just replace one inappropriate development with another one.

“I understand that permission has already been granted to demolish the garage anyway, so that argument goes out the window.

“The site is beside one of Ireland’s last remaining ancient woodlands, Rostrevor Oakwood. I believe to set that kind of precedent would be a very dangerous thing.”