Northern Ireland

Man arrested following damage to east Belfast murder victim's memorial

Ian Ogle was stabbd and beaten to death near his home in east Belfast's Cluan Place in January 2019.
Ian Ogle was stabbd and beaten to death near his home in east Belfast's Cluan Place in January 2019.

A man has been arrested after damage was caused to a memorial for east Belfast murder victim Ian Ogle.

The memorial to the loyalist, who was stabbed and beaten to death in January 2019, was erected close to his home in Cluan Place, where the fatal attack occurred.

Police said they received a report that two men entered Cluan Place shortly after 2.20am on Wednesday and damaged the memorial along with a parked car.

A 20-year-old man was later arrested on suspicion of criminal damage and remained in custody on Wednesday evening.

A PSNI spokesperson said: “Efforts are ongoing to identify the second individual involved in this incident and I would appeal to anyone with any information which could assist us to contact officers at Strandtown on 101 quoting reference number 95 26/04/23."