Northern Ireland

Several hundred turn out for Easter commemoration in Co Tyrone

Tyrone National Graves Association Easter commemoration. Picture by Mal McCann
Tyrone National Graves Association Easter commemoration. Picture by Mal McCann

Hundreds of people have attended an Easter commemoration in Co Tyrone.

Several bands took part in the Tyrone National Graves Association (TNGA), event in Carrickmore on Monday.

The TNGA is an independent, and non-party political body, which helps maintain the graves of dead republicans across Tyrone.

Bands taking part in the Easter commemoration. Picture by Mal McCann
Bands taking part in the Easter commemoration. Picture by Mal McCann

The annual Easter parade is normally one of the best attended in the county each year.

Those taking part walked through the village before making their way to a garden of remembrance for a short ceremony during which wreaths were laid.

Tyrone national graves Easter commemoration. Picture Mal McCann
Tyrone national graves Easter commemoration. Picture Mal McCann

Marian Vincent, whose brother Patrick was shot dead by the SAS along with three other IRA men in Clonoe in 1992, read the Proclamation. 

The main address was delivered by TNGA member Caoimhe Lynch who said that despite the Easter Rising taking place 107 years ago  "Ireland is not free".

She said "women and children are crippled by the manacles of oppression and partition".

 Easter republican commemoration in Carrickmore. Picture Mal McCann
Easter republican commemoration in Carrickmore. Picture Mal McCann

Ms Lynch added that those present in Carrickmore "reaffirm the belief set out in the meeting of the first Dail in 1919".

Tyrone National Graves Association organised the Easter commemoration in Carrickmore. Picture by Mal McCann
Tyrone National Graves Association organised the Easter commemoration in Carrickmore. Picture by Mal McCann