Northern Ireland

Woman arrested after stabbing her children told police she was not feeling depressed

The accused, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is standing trial at Belfast Crown Court on charges of murdering her eight-week old son and attempting to murder her two-year old daughter
The accused, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is standing trial at Belfast Crown Court on charges of murdering her eight-week old son and attempting to murder her two-year old daughter

A WOMAN arrested after stabbing her children then herself told police three days before the fatal knife attacked that she was not feeling depressed or suicidal, a court has heard.

The accused, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is standing trial at Belfast Crown Court on charges of murdering her eight-week old son and attempting to murder her two-year old daughter.

The children sustained knife wounds in their Belfast home on July 27 2021 and were rushed to the Royal Victoria Hospital - and whilst the baby didn't survive, his sister underwent emergency surgery and made a full recovery.

Their 30-year old mother has admitted she stabbed both children but has denied the two charges, and the jury is being asked to consider her state of mind at the time and whether or not there was 'diminished responsibility.'

On the ninth day of the trial, the jury heard further evidence from police who spoke to the accused in the days prior to the stabbing.

Officers responded to 999 call she made on July 24 2021 regarding an incident of alleged domestic abuse as she claimed her partner pushed her which caused her head to made contact with a wall.

A detective sergeant was asked about the incident on July 24 and confirmed that as it involved an allegation of domestic abuse, police protocols were followed.

This, the jury heard, included the accused being asked a series of questions which were recorded on a form.

When she was questioned, the accused said she had not been injured but said she was frightened of her partner.

She was asked if felt isolated from family and friends and replied 'no', and she gave the same response when asked if he tried to stop her from seeing people.

The accused was also asked if she felt depressed or suicidal, to which she replied 'no.'

The detective sergeant confirmed that following her arrest concerning the stabbing of her children on July 27, the accused was "fully compliant" with police.

After the officer's evidence was concluded, prosecuting barrister Richard Weir KC told Judge Donna McColgan KC "that's the Crown's case, Your Honour."

The judge then addressed the jury and told them that as the prosecution case has now concluded, the next step of the trial will be the defence presenting its case.

Judge McColgan said this was due to commence at the start of next week and told them they were excused until then.

Before releasing the jurors, she warned them not to conduct any online research or discuss the case with anyone else.

The trial is due to resume on February 20.