Northern Ireland

Natalie McNally murder: Family 'frustrated' no one has been charged but police 'doing their best'

Bernie and Noel McNally talk to the Irish News.Picture by Hugh Russell.
Bernie and Noel McNally talk to the Irish News.Picture by Hugh Russell.

Natalie McNally’s family are frustrated no one has yet been charged with the Lurgan woman’s murder but believe investigators are doing their best.

A 32-year-old man remains on police bail following his arrest and questioning in the days after the murder five weeks ago. Police arrested a 46-year-old man in south Belfast earlier this month.

As the investigation into the murder continues, a rally has been organised to remember Natalie and “all women who have lost their lives to gender-based violence”.

Saturday's rally in Lurgan Park, organised by the National Women’s Council of Ireland (NWCI), will be addressed by members of the McNally family. Sinn Féin’s vice-president Michelle O’Neill has also encouraged as many people as possible to attend

Natalie’s father Noel said the whole family will be attending the rally. The 32-year-old was found stabbed to death at her home in Silverwood Green on December 18.

On the investigation, Mr McNally said: “We are frustrated but that’s all I can say. There is no concern with the police, who are doing their best.

“We are frustrated there are no charges.”

Police released this CCTV of the suspect walking out of the development where Natalie lived on the night she was murdered:

During the investigation, police have carried out hundreds of house to house interviews, seized a car and found what is believed to be the murder weapon. Investigators have also viewed thousands of hours of CCTV footage.

In a most social media post, Natalie’s brothers Niall and Declan said they will not rest until the killer is found.

"We are strong individuals and we will keep going. Even if it takes until our dying breath, we will keep going,” they said.

"Every morning, that is one day away from when we last saw Natalie but for all our devastation, every day we have become more determined to get justice for Natalie."

A rally will be held on Saturday
A rally will be held on Saturday

The McNally family have asked people attending the rally to wear something pink or blue to remember Natalie’s unborn baby.

Rachel Coyle, NWCI's head of campaigns and who lives in Lurgan, said friends and neighbours, particularly women, were changing their behaviour and their daily lives following the murder and the lack of a charge.

"They were afraid this person was still out there, I felt something had to happen in the community,” Ms Coyle told Armaghi.

Ms Coyle visited the McNally family and said their desire was “very much to be part of the call for an end to violence against women”.

Along with members of the family, the rally on Saturday will be addressed by Sarah Mason, of Women’s Aid NI, and activist Ailbhe Smyth.

Natalie was involved in many campaigns, including for same-sex marriage and a woman's right to choose.