Northern Ireland

Inquest into four murders to open

Charlie Fox
Charlie Fox

AN inquest touching on four sectarian murders in Co Tyrone more than 30 years ago will open on Monday.

Kevin McKearney (32) was shot by the UVF along with his uncle Jack McKearney (70) in the Moy in Co Tyrone in January 1992.

Kevin McKearney was killed instantly, while Jack died later in hospital.

Eight months later Charlie Fox (63) and his wife Tess (53), who were Mr McKearney's in-laws, were gunned down in their home, near Moy by a UVF gang in September 1992.

Collusion is suspected in both cases and others carried out in the Mid Ulster area in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Solicitor Gavin Booth, of Phoenix Law, welcomed the start of the inquests.

"We hope that for the first time that the coroner will determine that the state colluded in the murders of Charles and Teresa Fox and Kevin and John McKearney," he said.

These inquests were linked following a review of legacy inquests by the Presiding Coroner, Mr Justice Humphreys, and are included within the five year legacy inquest plan.