Northern Ireland

Natalie McNally murder: Man (46) arrested

Natalie McNally
Natalie McNally

Detectives investigating the murder of Natalie McNally in Lurgan have arrested a man.

The 46-year-old was arrested in the south Belfast area.

He has been taken to Musgrave police station, where he is currently being questioned by detectives.

Ms McNally, who was 15 weeks pregnant, was stabbed in her home in Silverwood Green on December 18. It is understood she had also been beaten and strangled.

The independent charity Crimestoppers has offered a reward of up to £20,000 for information.

The 32-year-old's parents and brothers have been appealing for information on her killing.

Two people were arrested in the immediate aftermath but no-one has been charged. The first, a 32-year-old man, was released unconditionally and police said he was no longer a suspect. The second man, also aged 32, was arrested on December 21 and released on police bail to allow for further inquiries.

Last week a search was carried out in the grounds of Silverwood Golf Club, which is near the murder scene, as part of the probe. A business property in the Armagh and Craigavon area was also visited. Police seized a car in the Lisburn and Castlereagh area and a large number of house-to-house inquiries have been carried out. Around 3,000 hours of CCTV have also been seized.

Natalie McNally and her family were Everton fans. Picture from Twitter
Natalie McNally and her family were Everton fans. Picture from Twitter

Meanwhile, Everton will display an image of Natalie ahead and during the Liverpool team’s game with Southampton tomorrow.

Along with other members of the family, Natalie was a huge fan of the club and travelled over for games regularly. Her image will be displayed before the 3pm kick off and at half time.

The club agreed to display her image at the ground as a mark of respect.

In a post on social media, one of her brothers wrote: “My sister Natalie McNally…was tragically murdered.

“Her Image will be on the Big Screen before and at HT during the Southampton game.

“If anyone can take pictures of her on the screen and send them to me would be very much appreciated.”