Northern Ireland

Former TUV member announced as DUP councillor

A former TUV member has been appointed as a new DUP councillor in north Belfast.

Jordan Doran was announced as the replacement for Dale Pankhurst who vacated his seat in the Oldpark DEA in north Belfast.

DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson said: "I am delighted that Jordan will be the new DUP Councillor for Oldpark. He will continue to provide enthusiastic and dedicated representation for the area just as Dale has done since being elected."

As the secretary of a local community association, Mr Doran has previously stood for election with the TUV.

Sir Jeffrey said his defection to the DUP showed Mr Doran was "one of many unionists who are uniting behind the DUP banner as the strongest and most effective voice" to promote Northern Ireland's place within the UK.

With council elections set for May this year, Sir Jeffrey said he was now committed to working "with all unionists to ensure Northern Ireland keeps moving forward."

Councillor Doran said: “It is an honour to have been selected to represent the people of Oldpark as their DUP councillor. I will be a strong and pro-active unionist voice for the people of this area and look forward to working as part of a strong DUP team on Council to deliver for all the people of Belfast.

"I want to see a stronger and more cohesive unionism and the DUP is the only party which an achieve this, not only in north Belfast, but across Northern Ireland.”