Northern Ireland

NI Tories claim 'snubbed' by PM during recent visit, write letter of complaint

Roger Lomas
Roger Lomas

CONSERVATIVES in Northern Ireland have expressed their unhappiness at Rishi Sunak following his recent visit to Northern Ireland.

They are objecting to the failure of the British prime minister to address party members after they were invited to a meeting at the Culloden hotel in north Down, according to Tyrone Conservative Roger Lomas.

In a letter to Mr Sunak, which Mr Lomas said was written following talks with others in the party in the north, it was noted the PM was “more than happy to pose for official photographs with leaders of the provincial parties and issue…press releases”.

But there were no official photographs or press statements linked to a meeting involving local Conservative members and others, Mr Lomas complained.

“Your appearance and dress code was truly informal and after doing your best to shake hands with everyone present and exchanging pleasantries you left without notice while senior local Tories gathered at the front of the room to hear you addressing the meeting,” he said.

“Quite frankly Prime Minister I and many others thought your predecessors (Boris Johnston & Brandon Lewis) treated us like illegitimate Tories, to be acknowledged privately but never publicly but after last Friday we feel strongly that you have brought us to a new level.

“My members considered your behaviour to be patronising in the extreme and felt totally let down by your actions.”

Downing Street has been contacted for a response.