Northern Ireland

PSNI launch Christmas appeal for victims of Mother and Baby Institutions

The PSNI has issued a new Christmas appeal over Mother and Baby Institutions, Work Houses and Magdalene Laundries in Northern Ireland. Picture: Liam McBurney/PA wire
The PSNI has issued a new Christmas appeal over Mother and Baby Institutions, Work Houses and Magdalene Laundries in Northern Ireland. Picture: Liam McBurney/PA wire

THE PSNI have launched a new Christmas appeal to hear from people who experienced abuse in mother and baby institutions, work houses and Magdalene Laundries.

Thousands were housed in these institutions in Northern Ireland between 1922 to 1990, including pregnant women and girls.

An official police investigation was launched last October and officers have now received 80 reports, this includes mothers taken to these institutions to have their baby, those adopted from them, workers or former residents.

The PSNI are now encouraging even more people to get in touch over the Christmas period.

Detective Superintendent Gary Reid said specialist detectives would be available over Christmas and urged those affected not to suffer in silence.

“Christmas is considered to be a time for celebrations. However, for so many it can be really tough and only serve as a reminder of the hardships they have faced and family who are missing from around the tree," he said.

“With the festive season upon us, we want to reiterate that the investigation into Mother and Baby Institutions, Magdalene Laundries and Workhouses is still very much ongoing.

“If you believe you were the victim of abuse or any other form of alleged criminality in any of these institutions, know somebody who was, or if you witnessed anything suspicious, please contact us."

Adele Johnston, from Birth Mothers and their Children for Justice NI said: “Christmas is a difficult time for victims and survivors of Northern Ireland's Mother & Baby Institutions and

Magdalene Laundries. Too many missing pieces, too many missing people and too much remembered trauma.

“If you have any information regarding the way that these institutions operated, or were directly affected by them, please contact the designated team within the Police Service. Your information will be treated with complete confidentiality.”

A dedicated reporting system is in place, where those coming forward will speak to a specialist detective and signposted to further help and support.

Police can be contacted by phone from 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday, or by email at

Birth Mothers and their Children for Justice NI group can be contacted via Facebook or email: