Northern Ireland

Sinn Féin urges British government to 'end cycle of pandering to DUP'

Sinn Féin MP John Finucane said pandering to the DUP had to stop. Picture Mal McCann..
Sinn Féin MP John Finucane said pandering to the DUP had to stop. Picture Mal McCann..

SINN Féin has called on the British government to "end the cycle of pandering to the DUP".

North Belfast MP John Finucane made the call after Northern Ireland Office Minister Steve Baker said yesterday that regardless of wins the Tory leadership race they must stick with current direction on the Northern Ireland Protocol.

The DUP is currently refusing to take their seats at Stormont until the British government takes action against the protocol, which puts a border down the Irish Sea.

Mr Finucane said: "Comments by Steve Baker this morning are a reiteration of the reckless Tory threats that have fuelled instability and caused damage on the international stage.

“Whoever leads the incoming British government must make the restoration of the assembly and executive an immediate priority and end the cycle of pandering to the DUP."

Mr Finucane said the "outcome of May’s assembly election must be respected".

"People voted for real change and an executive that will work together in their best interests, not a government on the DUP’s terms only," he said.

He said his party is "ready to form an executive that will put money in people’s pockets to deal with the cost-of-living crisis and start to fix the health service".

“The new British government must ensure that the protocol continues to create jobs and investment by protecting our businesses from the damage of Brexit," he said.

“And they must end the reckless threats and continue to work constructively with the EU to find solutions for our businesses who need certainty not instability."