Northern Ireland

Jail sentence extended for foul-mouthed outburst at judge

The 35-year-old swore and directed obscene gestures at District Judge Ted Magill
The 35-year-old swore and directed obscene gestures at District Judge Ted Magill

A MAN convicted of receiving stolen household belongings has had his jail sentence extended for a foul-mouthed outburst at the judge.

Martin Mongan was ordered to serve a total of six and a half months after being found in contempt of court.

The 35-year-old swore and directed obscene gestures at District Judge Ted Magill during the initial sentencing hearing last Friday.

As Mr Magill dealt with his case he stated: "Hurry up, you b*****d."

Proceedings at Belfast Magistrates Court were halted immediately after the outburst.

But Mongan, who appeared remotely via a custody video-link, then directed a middle finger and a further rude hand gesture towards the judge.

He had been found guilty on three counts of receiving stolen goods.

The offences were linked to burglaries at homes in the Stranmillis area of the city in April last year.

A PlayStation games console and accessories, speaker, broadband router, food and clothing were taken during the break-ins.

Prosecutors said the stolen items were located when the defendant was stopped and searched later.

Mongan, of Ross Road in Belfast, was ordered to appear back in court on Monday to complete the sentencing.

Defence solicitor Eoghan McKenna described his client's behaviour at the earlier hearing as inappropriate.

The lawyer explained that Mongan was waiting for a separate case in another court when the remarks were made.

"He obviously will face immediate custody," Mr McKenna acknowledged.

Sentencing Mongan to six months for the receiving stolen goods, the judge declared: "His behaviour was utterly unacceptable on Friday, I hold him to be in contempt (of court). I will impose (a further) two weeks consecutive."