Northern Ireland

Irish Catholics want equal status for women in the church, according to new report

Catholics in Ireland want equal status for women in the church, according to a new report from Rome
Catholics in Ireland want equal status for women in the church, according to a new report from Rome

CATHOLICS in Ireland want equal status for women in the church, according to a new report from Rome.

Following an extensive consultation process, it was also found that Irish Catholics want married priests and greater inclusion of LGBTQI+ people. The themes emerged during a "synodal process" conducted across the Catholic church in Ireland.

Tens of thousands of Catholics were involved in the process. The document points to the "many challenges" facing the Catholic church in Ireland in the future.

Submissions to the consultation believe the church is heading towards a "crisis" because of the imminent lack of priests in many areas.

This prompted calls for optional celibacy, married priests and female priests.

There were also calls for women to be given equal treatment within church structures, full inclusion of LGBTQI+ people in the church, "less judgmental language" and the need for more involvement by young people.

The document has been sent to the Vatican for consideration, with a global synod due to be held by Pope Francis to examine all submissions from all countries in October of next year.