Northern Ireland

Victims of IRA bomb attacks in England issue civil proceedings against Gerry Adams

The aftermath of the 1996 Docklands bombings in London. Picture by David Giles/PA Wire
The aftermath of the 1996 Docklands bombings in London. Picture by David Giles/PA Wire

THREE victims of IRA bombs in London and Manchester have issued civil proceedings against Gerry Adams alleging his involvement in directing the attacks.

The attacks include the March 1973 bombing of The Old Bailey, the first major bomb attack carried out by the Provisional IRA in England, and the 1996 London Docklands bomb, which killed two people and ended a 17-month IRA ceasefire.

The third bomb attack in Manchester city centre in June 1996, caused an estimated £700m of damage.

The three litigants include a former police officer, security guard and rail worker, who were injured in the attacks.

It’s understood the former Sinn Féin president was served with notice of the High Court proceedings last week by victims’ legal team.

Mr Adams has always denied being a member of the Provisional IRA.

A spokesperson said Mr Adams rejects the latest claims.

The claimants’ legal team have three months to serve evidence before a High Court judge rules on the case.

The trio are being represented by McCue Jury & Partners, the London law firm which represented families of the victims of the 1998 Omagh bomb in civil litigation.

The law practice also represented the families of four soldiers killed in the 1982 Hyde Park bombings in pursuing a private prosecution against John Downey.

The civil case resulted in the High Court declaring Downey an “active participant” in the IRA attack.

Jonathan Ganesh, a security guard injured in the 1996 Docklands attack, told The Mail on Sunday that they will only seek £1 in damages.

“It’s not about any money, which is why we’re only claiming for £1,” he told the newspaper.

“It’s about the principle. It’s a historic moment. And Gerry Adams will have a chance to defend himself in court and answer the allegations.”

An online fundraising campaign seeking to raise £100,000 to support the case had reached almost £4,000 on Sunday evening.