Northern Ireland

Baby Boom at Belfast Zoo

Cotton Top Tamarin. Picture by zookeeper Michelle.
Cotton Top Tamarin. Picture by zookeeper Michelle.

BELFAST Zoo has announced a menagerie of new arrivals, just in time for visitors to enjoy this Bank Holiday weekend.

The latest new-borns are a huge cause of celebration as they include several endangered species.

A pair of cotton top tamarin twins are one of the world’s most endangered primates with less than 2,000 breeding animals estimated to be left in the wild.

An endangered crowned lemur was born in May with keepers confirming that the new addition is a male. Crowned lemurs originate from the forests of northern Madagascar with numbers in the wild under increased threat due to habitat loss.

Elsewhere, the pitter patter of penguin feet were first heard on May 11 when keepers welcomed the first gentoo penguin chicks of the season. Breeding season started in February and the fluffy arrivals will prove popular with visitors.

Finally, the zoo announced the arrival of several black-tailed prairie dog pups. Making their debut by em

Gentoo Penguin chick. Picture by Alan Campbell
Gentoo Penguin chick. Picture by Alan Campbell

erging from their burrows for the first time earlier this month, it is estimated that they were born in early April.

Free activities are planned for Sunday June 5 including a disco bike and outdoor puppet show with a free shuttle bus organized between the zoo and Valley Leisure Centre. Online booking is recommended:

Crowned Lemur, Picture by Alan Campbell
Crowned Lemur, Picture by Alan Campbell