Northern Ireland

Bail application adjourned in north Belfast arson case

Laganside Court in Belfast
Laganside Court in Belfast

Residents were forced to evacuate a block of flats in north Belfast after a woman allegedly set fire to her neighbour's front door, the High Court heard today.

Siobhan Harkin is accused of starting the blaze at Antrim Close after dousing the property in flammable liquid.

The 34-year-old faces a charge of arson with intent to endanger the life of another woman who lives in the same complex.

Crown lawyer Iryna Kennedy said multiple fire crews were called to the scene in the early hours of February 1.

"It was a deliberate ignition and a number of neighbours had to be evacuated," she told the court.

CCTV footage allegedly showed Harkin, of Antrim Close, going upstairs in the apartment block while carrying either a mat or large sheet of cardboard.

Smoke could then be seen coming from the flat targeted in the arson attack, according to the prosecution.

Investigations established the fire had been started by pouring accelerant over the front door of the woman's unoccupied apartment and setting it alight.

Following her arrest Harkin made admissions to burning a mat, the court heard.

Mrs Kennedy added: "She claimed it was retaliation but would not elaborate.

"She denied trying to harm anyone as she knew the injured party would not be at home."

It was contended, however, that she had recklessly failed to foresee the potential danger to other residents.

Seeking bail for Harkin, defence barrister Sean Mullan argued that she may ultimately face a less serious charge.

He also set out health issues as part of attempts to secure her release.

But adjourning the application, Mr Justice Humphreys requested more information on possible medical treatment and accommodation available to the accused.