Northern Ireland

Children to sit grammar exams on four consecutive Saturdays

The AQE's tests will take place in November and December
The AQE's tests will take place in November and December

CHILDREN face sitting grammar school entrance exams on four consecutive Saturdays this winter.

The Association for Quality Education (AQE) has confirmed the dates of its three papers.

They will take place on November 20 and 27 and December 4.

Separate assessments used by members of the Post Primary Transfer Consortium (PPTC) will be held on Saturday November 13.

Several PPTC schools in Belfast, Fermanagh, Derry, Tyrone and Down have opted out this year.

There had been calls for all schools to drop academic selection for a second year due to long periods of lockdown affecting children's education.

All but one of the schools that use scores from the AQE's exams - Lagan College in Belfast - are going ahead with assessments.

AQE said dates for registration and further information on the assessments would be provided early next week.

Many pupils are entered into both sets of tests to give themselves a greater chance of winning a grammar school place.