Northern Ireland

Deputy First Minister Michelle O'Neill used official Executive car to attend Bobby Storey funeral

TUV leader Jim Allister
TUV leader Jim Allister

DEPUTY First Minister Michelle O'Neill used an official Executive car to attend the funeral of Bobby Storey, the cost of which has been reimbursed to the taxpayer.

TUV leader Jim Allister last night revealed correspondence he had received from the Executive office that confirmed the use of the vehicle.

A statement also confirmed the cost of the use of the car had been "reimbursed in full".

Ms O'Neill was among mourners at the funeral of the veteran republican in Belfast in June.

In a letter sent to Mr Allister, which was signed by Ms O'Neill and First Minister Arlene Foster, it said: "The deputy First Minister was conveyed to the funeral of Mr Storey on 30 June 2020 in an official Executive car.

"The costs to the department associated with this was £119.87, which was reimbursed in full."

Mr Allister last night said: "TUV ferrets out that SF had to pay back the cost of using official car by dFM to attend the funeral of terrorist Storey".

In January the Public Prosecution Service said it was considering files relating to 24 mourners, including Ms O'Neill, referred by the police for allegedly breaching Covid-19 restrictions at Bobby Storey's funeral.