Northern Ireland

Man who carried knife for self-protection put on probation for two years

Belfast Magistrates' Court heard police attended an incident in the early hours of February 24 last year
Belfast Magistrates' Court heard police attended an incident in the early hours of February 24 last year

A BELFAST man who carried a knife for self-protection has been put on probation for two years.

Thomas Begley was experiencing paranoia fuelled by drug-taking at the time, a judge was told.

The 24-year-old, of Cliftonpark Avenue in the city, admitted possessing a bladed article in a public place.

Belfast Magistrates' Court heard police attended an incident near his home in the early hours of February 24 last year.

Begley was located with a small knife in one of his trouser pockets.

A defence barrister argued that at no stage did he brandish the blade at officers.

"He carried it at that stage for protection as previously he had been the victim of a very serious assault," she said.

But District Judge Fiona Bagnall expressed concern at the explanation provided.

"That isn't a great comfort to the court," she said.

"That indicates if there is a difficulty he is going to use the knife."

Stressing the incident occurred 10 months ago, counsel replied: "At that stage he was still taking substances and they would have fed into a feeling of paranoia.

"He instructs he is no longer taking illicit substances."

Imposing two years probation, Mrs Bagnall warned Beglley he faces a tougher sentence for any further offences.