Northern Ireland

Drink and drug drivers detected 'on daily basis' despite Covid-19 bar closures and curbs on alcohol sales

Police launch winter anti-drink and drug drive operation on the Hillsborough Road, Sprucefield. Picture by Hugh Russell.
Police launch winter anti-drink and drug drive operation on the Hillsborough Road, Sprucefield. Picture by Hugh Russell.

POLICE are still detecting people drink and drug driving "on a daily basis" across Northern Ireland, despite Covid-19 measures closing bars and curbing the sale of alcohol.

Head of Roads Policing, Chief Inspector Diane Pennington said that is the "stark reality" behind the continued need for a winter safety campaign which was launched yesterday.

"Many people may question the necessity of this operation, given the ongoing temporary closure of the hospitality industry and people curtailing their social lives," she said.

"... Between 23 March and 18 May this year for example, despite a significant reduction in road traffic during the lockdown period, our preliminary figures indicate that we still detected 383 people drink driving, compared to 469 detections during the same time period in 2019. "

Road policing officers, local and neighbourhood policing teams will work alongside TSG (Tactical Support Group) units across the north, using authorised vehicle checkpoints as a very visible, physical deterrent.

Ms Pennington stressed that this year a range of safety and protection measures had been put in place to take into account the highly infectious virus, with targeted operations to run "day and night", coordinated in border counties with An Garda Síochána Traffic Corp.

"Before and after each use, every handheld breathalyser is sanitised, and officers wearing PPE will attach a new sealed disposable straw before asking the driver to perform the test.

"Once the test is completed, the driver can either take the straw, or leave it on the machine to be disposed of. We will also have facilities available if any drivers present with C19 symptoms, or indeed claim to have symptoms."

All drivers or motorcyclists stopped by officers for `moving traffic offences' such as speeding or using a mobile phone will be breathalysed.

She said it is vital to mount the operation despite the challenges of the pandemic.

"I have no sympathy for any driver we detect who has made the decision to drive after drinking or taking drugs.

"My sympathy is with those families, friends and communities across Northern Ireland who are dealing with the death or serious injury of a loved one, because someone selfishly thought it acceptable to drive while under the influence. Whether that was after one drink, or getting behind the wheel the morning after."

She said the PSNI will pursue prosecutions as in previous years and anyone under the influence who causes a collision where someone is killed or seriously injured "can expect a custodial sentence".

"So far this year, 54 families across Northern Ireland are coping with the death of loved one because of a road traffic collision. Many others are recovering from serious and life changing injuries."

She warned: "Just one drink could kill."