Northern Ireland

Suspected drugs and boat seized in operation targeting South East Antrim UDA

Paramilitary Crime Task Force officers seized suspected herbal cannabis in Carrickfergus
Paramilitary Crime Task Force officers seized suspected herbal cannabis in Carrickfergus

A QUANTITY of suspected herbal cannabis, drugs paraphernalia and a boat were seized in Carrickfergus yesterday during a Paramilitary Crime Task Force operation targeting South East Antrim UDA.

Officers from the task force searched a house under the Misuse of Drugs Act, during which a number of items were taken away.

Detective Chief Inspector Cummings said the searches were aimed at thwarting suspected drugs criminality linked to South East Antrim UDA.

He said the Paramilitary Crime Task Force was committed to investigating all aspects of criminality being carried out by those "purporting to be operating under the convenient flag of a paramilitary organisation".

"Paramilitaries are not defenders of their communities, instead they are criminals who prey on vulnerable people and exploit any circumstances they can for their own gain," he said.